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Monday 7 August 2017

15 Ways to Know If It’s True Love!!!

Fans of the movie ‘The Princess Bride’ will
remember the scene where Westley and
Buttercup are parting ways, and the princess
wonders if she’ll ever see him again. He says,
“Hear this now: I will always come for you.”
When she asks how she can be sure, Westley
tells her, “This is true love—you think this
happens every day?”
As rhetorical questions go, most of us would
agree with the implication. It doesn’t happen
very often, let alone every day. People
frequently fall in love, but how can they know if
it’s true love or something less (fleeting
attraction, infatuation, a short-term romance)?
If you’re wondering what characterizes true
love, consider these points:

1. You’ve stopped wondering if there’s
someone better out there for you. If you’ve
been searching for your soul mate for a long
time, you know when it’s time to stop looking.

2. There’s only one person you want to flirt
with . Singles are used to flirting, subtly or
overtly, but now you’re interested in charming
only your partner.

3. You do things to bring happiness to your
partner, without expecting something in return .
The only motivation to give is because you
want to enrich your partner’s life.

4. You trust the other person with your most
vulnerable secrets . It’s not easy to be
completely transparent, but true love gives you
the courage and safety to be real.

5. You are excellent collaborators. True love
leads two people to work together as
teammates and partners in the most important
aspects of life.

6. The joys far outweigh the struggles. No
relationship is without problems, but true love
brings many more highs than lows.

7. You don’t feel the need to change the other
person . You accept your partner as he or she
is, while encouraging growth and development.

8. Your partner inspires you toward greatness .
The best lovers know how to spur each other
onward and upward.

9. You sailed through the infatuation stage and
are going strong . The early stages of romance
can be misleading, with all the supercharged
emotions, but true love grows deeper even as
infatuation fades.

10. You’ve overcome obstacles. Love must be
tested by adversity to know if it’s sturdy
enough to last over the long haul.

11. Laughter comes easily and often. Abundant
humor is a sign that two people share a similar
perspective on life and feel the freedom to be
silly together.

12. You don’t feel the need to hide your quirks
and odd habits. When someone loves you for
who you truly are, you don’t have to pretend in
any way.

13. You negotiate with win-win as the goal. Life
is full of compromises, and true lovers seek
solutions that satisfy both of them.

14. You think about growing old together and
smile at the thought. Looking ahead can
sometimes be frightening, but there’s nothing
you can’t handle with your true love by your

15. You feel blessed every day. Deep-down
gratitude for your lover—and your good fortune
at having found each other—continually
brightens your life.

How do you describe true love?

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