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Wednesday, 4 March 2020

[Gist] Chinese Student Assaulted In 'Racist' Coronavirus Attack In London (Photos)

(CNN)A 23-year-old Singapore man of Chinese ethnicity who was studying in London has spoken out about racism linked to the coronavirus after suffering facial injuries in a "racially aggravated assault."

Jonathan Mok wrote about his ordeal in a public post on Facebook Monday, detailing how he was attacked by a group of people on Oxford Street, a busy shopping area in the center of the British capital, at about 9.15 p.m. local time (4.15 p.m. ET) on February 24.

Jonathan Mok said he was attacked in London, causing injury to his right eye. He posted two photos of his face on social media, explaining: "One image was taken in the mirror and hence, the laterally inverted image. The image that seems so be much swollen was taken as a selfie-- and the bruising only developed in the following day."

This photo was taken the day after the assault.
Jonathan Mok said he was attacked in London, causing injury to his right eye. He posted two photos of his face on social media, explaining: "One image was taken in the mirror and hence, the laterally inverted image. The image that seems so be much swollen was taken as a selfie-- and the bruising only developed in the following day." This photo was taken the day after the assault.

"The guy who tried to kick me then said, 'I don't want your coronavirus in my country', before swinging another sucker punch at me, which resulted in my face exploding with blood (from my nose)," wrote Mok.

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